A couple of days ago, I had a dream about a nuclear bomb. I was in a house. It was a homely cottage at the edge of a village. I was there with some other people, a woman, that was maybe my mum but also wasn’t. You know how in dreams, someone feels like some but also isn’t them. A nuclear bomb was about to go off..
We were worried about the bomb in this kind of anxiety way but not totally panicking. It was as if what was about to happen was so big we didn’t know how to be scared. There was nothing we could do. We just knew we should stay in the house and hide but..
I went outside to get something or do something and the bomb went off..
I felt the heat on my skin but not like fire, not like golden sunshine, like pure white light. Everything went so bright my vision lost it’s colour, everything was bleached white.
I remember trying not to breathe in the air because it would be radioactive but I had to breathe in a little. I was worried that I was being contaminated by radiation.
Why explore dreams?
We spend upto 2 hours a day dreaming.
We hardly ever consider them but dreams are like our life on steroids.
All our problems are emotional. Emotions give us energy to get things we like and try to protect us from dangers and things we don’t like.
Dreams give us direct insights into our emotional life.
Whereas in our waking life, our conceptual mind can be stronger. It can get in the way intellectualising our emotions into thoughts.
If we listen to our dream messages, we can work with our underlying emotions. We can work on fears. We can improve our lives.
Listen to dreams → make changes → stop repeating patterns in life → better life.
What fears do nuclear bombs represent?
As a kid the cold war was very present. I remember being intrigued by videos of nuclear bomb tests. The US army built those fake towns in the desert and detonated a nuclear bomb nearby to test how the wave of destruction travelled.
There are so many fears connected to a nuclear bomb;
the size and power of the destruction
being burnt, I remember as a kid learning that if you saw a nuclear bomb detonation your eyes would burn
if you survived the bomb, it would probably be followed by an enemy invasion
or you would have to survive societal collapse in some dystopia
What could this dream about the nuclear bomb mean?
The underlying energy of the dream was of not knowing how to react when something so big and powerful was happening. What in my life could this represent?
Recently I have been getting in touch with my emotions, particularly my anger.
I think the bomb represents being overwhelmed by my anger and frustration.
It feels like it floods through my body and mind like a nuclear bomb, scorching everything in it’s path.
Perhaps the fear of radiation represents my fear of shame, a fear of contaminating myself with anger. The shame contaminating me like radiation. Corrupting my body and mind and making me toxic to others.
I think this came from being a kid. I would really keep my anger in growing up. I was very aware of consequences and so I over-managed my emotions so as not cause shame or embarrassment.
8 Tips for Working with Dreams.
Keep a dream journal. When you wake and remember a dream, make a note otherwise you will forget. When I wake in the middle of the night, I record on a voice recorder device so I don’t have to look at my phone.
What is the underlying energy? The emotional content is as important as the objects of the dream. Was there any fear or worry? Were you running away? Were you excited? Did you feel hurried to complete a task? Were you trying to say something? Was there a fear of being embarrassed?
You do not need a dream dictionary. You created this dream. You all ready have the answers somewhere in you. You do not need to look it up. You do not need to search outside yourself for the answer. As Sivananda Radha Saraswati says in her book, Realities of a Dreaming Mind, ‘When you study your dream symbols you will see how the unconscious presents details and information in a way that is acceptable to you, because the Higher Consciousness uses the language that comes from yourself.‘
Write a list of dreamsigns. These signs will be clues to help you realise you are dreaming. This is the first step to allowing you to work with the dream and change it. Anytime you have a reoccurring theme, situation, person or object make a note. (eg. I’m trying to run but my legs are not working.)
You can change reoccurring negative dreams and therefore change reoccurring negative patterns in life. Visualise the reoccurring dream, visualise noticing you are dreaming and visualise change the ending how you want it to end. Repeat this in your day and before you fall asleep until it becomes a habit.
Consider that you, the dreamer may know more than you, the waking self. In waking life you may be chasing a career but your dreams may be about an unresolved fear. This fear will probably be making itself know in your waking life somehow even if you pay it little attention in the daytime.
Do you look for answers in your dreams in a passive way hoping that one day something will just click and it will solve your stresses or do you listen to your dreams and make change in life?
Don’t let your intellectual mind demand your dreams are solved. I take it all with a pinch of salt. I don’t have to have to solve my dreams. I just ponder them and then let them settle in life and see what returns. What patterns keep returning in your dreams?
Let’s listen to our dreams.
Let’s learn to work with them.
Let’s improve our waking lives!
What about you?
Do you have an alternate interpretation to this dream? Do you have strange dreams like this? Message me. I would be interested in knowing.